Black and white
Against pale morning sky
Everything in between
Is gray area
Where will you be
Faded in a blurred crowd
Or standing solely
In what you believe
Near the edge
Hand colored black and white photo by KHoffman © 1993, 1997
Salty tears sting my face
Sundry emotions begin to race
I miss you so
Why did you have to go
When my heart is wary
I come to this quiet cemetery
Standing beside your grave
Trying to be strong and brave
I touch your name engraved in stone
Somehow I feel so alone
Through my mortal heartache
I know God makes no mistakes
During my solace visit
I smile and reflect a bit
One day in Heaven we'll be
Together again and happy
All Rights Reserved...poem by C. Sweigart...Photographs by K.Hoffman ©
1995, 1997,1998
Sunrise blazes the morning sky
Reflecting on a small pond nearby
Still surface, liquid glass
A mirror in the slumbering grass
Lucent colors of first morning
This sleepy pond is adorning
Watching from my dewy lawn
Absorbing pleasures of the dawn
Blanched morning sky of blue
Host gentle clouds with gray bases
An easy wind is blowing
The Heavens are gathering souls
Will He call for her today
Or lend breath to stay
My soul is stirred by warm sunshine
Gleaming thru the window
Carrying me back to here
Rights Reserved...Photographs by K.Hoffman © 1995, 1997,1998
I paused for a moment
And there I did see
This loving embrace
At the root of a tree
In the garden of love
Each other holding tight
Steadfast and true
Through everyday and every night
Upon the gentle earth
Lovers the world around
Long to hold each other
And say "I love you" without a sound.
Hand colored
black and white photo
by KHoffman © 1993, 1997,1998
Powerful emotion in this stone
Essence of her soul are shown
Feel her cold gentleness
Touching you with her tenderness
Her compassion in contrast, due
The very rock she is bound to
She will remain timeless thru the ages
Mystifying with her enchanted gazes
Mystical full moon smiles at me
Through naked, bent branches of an old tree
Above the horizon situate high
Laughing in the blue midnight sky
Silent song the moon sings
Lunar induced romance it brings
Spilling silver beams of moonlight
Robbing the black out of the night
Surrounded by stars shimmering and shining
Celestial treasures, impossible
for mining
All Rights Reserved...Photographs by K.Hoffman © 1993, 1997,1998
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All poetry is copyrighted to the author Carla Sweigart © 1997,1998. And
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All photographs are copyrighted by KHoffman© 1993, 1995, 1997,1998 and
cannot be reproduced, copied or used in any form without prior written permission
from the artist.