The Belly of the Beast ~ by Dean Wesley Smith

The U.S.S. Enterprise has defeated a gigantic marauding starship from parts unknown. Now that the immediate threat has been neutralized, the S.C.E. has been called in to probe the vanquished hulk in search of both new technology and the secret of itys origin. Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge has temporarily transferred from the Enterprise to assist Captain David Gold and the crew of the S.C.E. ship the U.S.S. da Vinci on this fascinating mission. La Forge works with Gold and his top-of-the-line group of technical specialists to unravel the high-tech mysteries of the supposedly dead alien vessel, only to discover that the real danger has only begun!


FATAL ERROR ~ by Keith R.A. DeCandido

For centuries, the planet Eerlik has had a thriving civilization, completely run, maintained, and administered by a giant sentient computer. But now that computer is breaking down and the desperate inhabitants are helpless to repair the damage. Only the crew of the U.S.S. da Vinci, accompanied by Geordi La Forge, can hope to fix the massive computer before the Eerlikkan society collapses entirely. Their mission grows more dangerous, however, when they discover evidence of sabotage—and learn firsthand that hostile forces will do whatever it takes to stop Gold and his crew from saving the imperiled planet!


HARD CRASH ~ by Christie Golden

An alien starship of unknown origin has crashed into a planet inhabited by a large and populous civilization. Accompanied by Geordi La Forge, temporarily on loan from the Starship Enterprise™, the S.C.E. investigates the mysterious vessel, only to discover that the ship was not nearly as damaged as it first seemed. Now the berserk ship, which seems to possess its own life and intelligence, is on a rampage across the surface of the planet, and Captain Gold and his crew face the awesome challenge of trying to stop a starship gone insane!


Classic StarTrek Trivia Book:The Ultimate Trivia Compilation ~ by John A. Maddox

This IS the CLASSIC! If you are a Star Trek addict, this is the book for YOU! The author has dedicated hundreds of hours watching episode after episode, over and over again--at regular speed, in extra slow motion, and in stop action. It contains everything you ever wanted to know (and perhaps some things you don't) about the original Star Trek series. .... As a Trekkie you can't be without it! Download it NOW.

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