Here’s us having a nice relaxing bath…
And I also showed Doc how to fold the toilet paper!
He said it was too complicated to wipe your tail-area with! haha!
So Doc and and I have been partying hard over the holiday!! hee hee
I got a quick clip of Doc doing his disco strut! *giggles*
(please play Bee Gees – “Staying Alive” in the background to fully enjoy this! (here’s the youtube link for “Staying Alive” if you don’t have an mp3 handy))
sorry for the absence.. plushateer has been quite cloudy of late..
Doc came to visit me, so we decided to get out of the house and go for a little trip in the woods!! =:D
we’ll swing by your area soon!!
-Zackary xoxo
(note from a little somebunny’s creation: we are quite proud to say we’ve created the entire forest scene using Blender3D in the above gif *insert proud bunny face* )
Every year, we go to a conservation area a little ways out from the city for a short hike. It’s along the Niagara Escarpment and has very cool little cliffs and rocks to climb. This year was Rufus’ first time. He was so excited in the car cuz he doesn’t usually get to go out.. but after doing a little hiking, he whined the rest of the way because he’s not used to walking so much on his own! haha!
I’ve never noticed before, but the trail we take had a new sign. Look what it’s called!!
We were following the breadcrumb trail… it went THIS way!!
Rufus was very hesitant about doing all this walking on his own. He normally prefers to be carried.
There are these really nice cliffs where rock-climbers like to climb. The trail we take goes along the top of the cliffs. We went right up close to the edge and looked down.. it’s pretty far down!!
There was lots of scenic areas!
I think Rufus was trying to push me off the cliff!!
Rufus is always trailing behind. *sigh*
More complaining and whining from Rufus…
So we finally took a nice long break. Sadly, we forgot to bring snacks!!
On the way back, Rufus hid in the backpack.. lazy bugger!
It was a fun trip! We got to stomp on the crunchy leaves (the BEST part of autumn!) Hopefully, we’ll be able to go again next year!
– Zackary =:3
So.. yesterday, I was minding my own business, when suddenly, I was attacked by a horde of falling Sharpies…
One of them got me right in the neck!!
It was very painful.. and I couldn’t move my head or shout or anything!!
My plushateer’s solution was to wrap my neck in a bandana to prevent bleeding-stuffing! *rolls eyes* Great (sarcastic), now I look like a terrorist! >:|
Well.. that didn’t work because I began to bleed.. and the hole in my neck is right on the seam of my head and body, so it got bigger.. and bigger..
So finally, plushateer got out the sewing kit (First Aid kit for stuffies), and I got fixed up. How do I look?
Elevator sequence from Gangnam Style.
For those that haven’t seen it yet, Gangnam Style on youtube: Gangnam Style